Thursday, July 15, 2010

"SWELL" At Metro Pictures

"In its initial vogue, these works spoke directly to a new kind of artistic decorum—less aggressive than pop, less ideological than Minimalism, and less maidenly than post-painterly abstraction.
It had a kind of gallantry—the cool courtesy of a well-born rake.
California Minimalism created a gracious, social space in its glow and reflection; it treated us amicably, made us more beautiful by gathering us into its dance.
It still does this today, so I am not amazed by the renewed interest in this work.
I am still amazed, however, that my beach-bum pals could have created such a capacious and courtly art, although beach bums, I suppose, have dreams like everybody else."

HA! That's right!

SWELL, at Metro Pictures, through July 31

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