Friday, January 14, 2011

Taylor Camp

Taylor Camp on Kauai:

"As Ha‘ena State Park was coming into being with the break-up of the Hui Ku‘ai ‘Aina, actress Elisabeth Taylor's brother purchased a parcel of coastal land in the area.

Howard Taylor went to acquire building permits to construct a home on the property. However, the State would not grant him such a permit, since they were planning to condemn the land. At the same time, however, they insisted that he still pay full taxes on the land. In disgust, Taylor turned the land over to the "flower power people." Drifting young drop-outs from the outside world came to this piece of land and gradually came to form a makeshift community that took the name "Taylor Camp."

A renowned part of the historical "landscape" of Ha‘ena, Taylor Camp was a manifestation of geographic factors--Ha‘ena's beauty, climate, and relative isolation by sea--and cultural factors--the search to "get away from it all"--that has left an indelible mark on Ha‘ena's place in the modern world."

Buy Taylor Camp book on Amazon

above copy from Pacific Worlds

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