Located in Cypress Park, you would NEVER in a million years expect something like this to be in a neighborhood like that.
The inside was just like the outside; beautiful.
Over 4,000 sq feet of home, the sense of scale and craft is overwhelming. I had Charlie stand in front when I took the picture just so you could get how huge this home is.
Built in 1904, they certainly don't make them like this anymore.
The Griffth Observatory architect, John C. Austin supposedly designed the home.
Stately Wayne Manor, indeed!
FYI, we passed on the home.
Why did you pass? I want it! It reminds me of North Carolina.
The neighborhood is still a bit sketchy I believe. However, I've read that Cypress Park is undergoing a slow gentrification.
Beautiful historic house by the way. What was the inside like? Still original?
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